
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You Know You Live In Bonaire When....

1. There is a family of donkeys living outside your house, no matter if you live in "downtown" or the "suburbs".
2. You can't remember the last time your feet felt clean.
3. You take a minimum of 3 showers a day, everyday. 
4. You're not too sure anymore if you have mosquito bites or the chicken pox.
5. You own or are in the process of buying snorkel/scuba diving gear.
6. You've tanned so unevenly that you literally look like a zebra.
7. You have Parth Patel's number (bahah).
8. Gio's has the greatest gelato you've ever had EVER.
9. You never get bored of the sunsets.
10. You can't wait to go back home and use a real dryer.
11. You fall asleep to the sounds of howling dogs and wake up to the sounds of crazyass roosters.
12. (For the ladies or curious boys) Those heels you brought are going home with you in December and are not coming back.
13. Driving with a seat belt is for losers lol.
14. The lizards don't freak you out anymore.
15. You top up your digicel phone online because you get twice your money's worth WHOOT.
16. You've forgotten what traffic lights are. 
17. You have Skype. 

Lol that's all I can think of at the moment soooooo toodles :)

Bon Tarde!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rant: Deuce

Part two of my infinite list:

1) TD Canada Trust. Holy Mother of Jesus, could this bank be anymore unorganized and unaccountable to their clients?! For being one of the biggest banks in Canada, you sure are prettttttty lousy. And thats why I'm at Coast. :)

2) The fact that I went and bought all these Groupons/Dealfinds/GoLows etc. and now have 8 days i.e. no time, to use them all. ARRGH:@

3) People that add randoms on Facebook. Like seriously, if I have never met you, if I didn't know you existed before you sent a request, I'M NOT GOING TO ADD YOU!!! So don't message or poke me... it's not going to change my mind. There's a reason its called a FRIEND request, not random-creeper request.

4) On that note, people who accept these random friend requests. You don't care what others think about your five-people-a-day habit since you activated your account? Fine, don't, more power to you. But just so you are aware, it's called being an attention whore :s. It's also probably not the safest thing to be doing either BTW! And you're filling up my stop.

5) Terrorism. As juvenile and cliche as this may sound, why can't we all just get along?

6) The fact there will never be a new Harry Potter instalment (book or movie). Ever. Sigh

7) Coloured contacts. Lol I'm sorry but they bother me. I mean we all know what your eye colour is so the fact you wear them everyday doesn't make them real believe it or not :p. And even if you don't, they're not a decoration piece or an accessory. Its not a piece of jewelry you throw on to spice up an outfit. It would be like dying your hair a different colour single day; you're completely changing something about yourself. Meh.

8) Matters of the heart. They all suck. No matter what.

9) People that can't mind their own damn business. If I needed your two cents I probably would have asked. Maybe.

10) People that wait till they get to the front of the line before deciding what they want. :@

11) Birthdays. I think I've reached that age we're always talking about when we say "when I grow up". This is where the rest of my life starts and that's a scary thought.

12) People that don't want their "ugly" pictures posted online/Facebook. We all know you don't wake up perfectly put together everyday. So why lie to the world. 

I'm equally proud of these two pictures..... I am of these two pictures 

Lol but that's just me :)

13) The fact that I am the worlds biggest procrastinator. :(

14) Ignorant fools. Need I say more. 

Ok.. I'm tired now lol. Toodles. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The First Five. this case I'm referring to the minutes ensuing, after having been introduced to someone new. Yes, I'm talking about that dreaded and oh so important "first impression".


Is it just me or do you find that for the amount of weight they hold, majority of your first impressions are completely inaccurate, most often polar opposite of what the person actually ends up being like? All the time you say? ME TOO! :):P Lol but seriously, I find it to be a reoccurring theme in my life to the point where I no longer have any faith in my ability to judge someone based on a whole 45 second conversation. It should come as no surprise that because of all these flawed readings, I wake up one day to find that all these people I thought I had figured out have actually been crazy psychos the whole time. Woe is me.

Prehistoric survival depended solely on this first-impression phenomenon. Believed to be generated in a very primitive area of the brain, the ability to produce these split-second judgements is what instructed our ancestors to run away from that ridiculously large, mangy-looking cat with teeth 7 inches long. But things are different now. Nothing is as black and white as it was thousands of years ago, nothing today can be placed into categories "good" vs "bad" anymore. Our habits and way of life has changed since the simple days of loin-clothes and cave paintings, so doesn't it make sense that we try and change this deeply entrenched impulsive behaviour to a thought process more fitting for this day and age?

Apparently, nothing is as it seems. There will always be things you will not know, there will always be hidden motives, there will always be room for doubt in your mind. Or so you think anyways. Why? We're just not a very trustworthy (and therefore not a trusting) species anymore. We've been conditioned to assume the worst in others and question everything. Barack Obama has been president for almost two and a half years and all of a sudden people don't believe he was born in America... jeez people SERIOUSLY?? It doesn't take much to sow seeds of doubt in our 21st century minds. This being said, how reliable can a five minute conversation with a stranger be? In a time where we pay people to play different, believable roles (aka actors), it seems completely naive to allow yourself to form a permanent perception about someone, in a whole 5 minutes. THATS WHY WE NEED DETAILS PEOPLE!!

These details I'm referring to come from archived experiences we share with these strangers. This collection of information from different contexts allows us to make a much more informed judgement of the person. It doesn't seem fair to the qualified person, who just bombed his job interview because he found out his mother has cancer, to not give him the opportunity to show what he is really about, just because you (as the employer) thinks he's displaying a careless attitude. Makes sense? We, being the intelligent life forms we are, just need to start making much more educated decisions/judgements about everything really lol, but especially people.

I'm not ignorant fellow readers. I understand that in our fast-paced, untrustworthy world, its impractical to wait around to collect the right amount of information to make a sound judgement. Just wishful thinking I guess. This post is really just something to consider when you're dismissing that punk kid with shifty eyes, lip and eyebrow piercings, tattoos covering his arms and hair a bit more purple then you would have liked. He has a story to tell. And you may have just passed up that life-changing, epiphanic moment we're ALL waiting for.

*from an email I've recently received*

It is time to elect the world leader, and your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:
Which of these candidates would be your choice?
  • Candidate A associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.
  • Candidate B was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whisky every evening.
  • Candidate C is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extramarital affairs.
Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate B is Winston Churchill
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Lol so I don't know if people out there actually care to know why I've been on some kind of hiatus, but just in case, this is a mini post to update you all on my life the past month. Whoot.

OOKKKKKkkkkkkkkk so my last post was around mid march-ish and at that time it was really just a lot of dancing, dancing and more dancing. I had a competition on the 20th or somewhere there so really it was school dance sleep. Next, I got a rather nasty throat infection and two days later was hit with an even nastier eye infection. So that put me out of commission for a good week at least. THENNNNnnn it was final exams and papers to be worrying about, so once again my little blog drew the short stick. And then I got my wisdom teeth taken out...all four... all requiring more cutting and digging and breaking than the average surgery and the DAY AFTER?? my famjam decided to road trip to Vegas. Yes, I was on the road while the effects of the anesthetic were wearing off lol. I was there for a week and came back today. Now I have allllllllllllllll the time in the world yay. Alrighty then, now that you have all been informed, I promise there will be a real post soon. Bon soir ma amies.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Life Dream: 1

I'M GOING TO A BON JOVI CONCERT AT THE END OF THE MONTH!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!! SOOOOO excited!!!!! They're one of those bands that have been around for over two decades, still drop albums, and drop albums that people actually do enjoy. Genius.

Plain and simple.

Jealous? ;)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

School These Days

So I'm in a little bit of a quandary (that's not really the focus of this post).

Well, not really.

Ok let me explain first.

So I was writing a chemistry exam on Thursday and what do I see when I look up? Yep! Two fresh-out-of-highschool imbeciles brazenly attempting to beat the academic system...and beat it they did! Why? Because I haven't quite decided if I want to rat them out or not :$ tehehe. Now here is where I'm experiencing a bit of internal conflict. I'm a staunch believer in Karma and the fact that everything happens for a reason. That being said, I know that somehow somewhere these two ignoble charlatans will get their just desserts. But do I wait for the universe to deliver that blow or am I suppose to be playing the role of the universe-blessed "Karma deliverer" in this scenario? I'm 89% decided that I will be taking the silent path (mainly because when I told my friend of the pickle I'm in, he laughed and told me to mind my own business), but those remaining 11 percents are what are eroding away the last bit of sense I have remaining. Ugh.

Here I am, completely livid, because I slaved over a textbook, chemistry no doubt, for days on end while these *insert angry swears* get to sit back and ride the coattails of the little piece of paper they had stashed on their laps. And the best part? How boldly these two exchanged notes on an audaciously bright yellow paper and how loudly they carried out their conversations about confusing questions while the professor was out of the room. Are they so brash to assume that there is some sort of unwritten code amongst students that we don't tattle on each other, that it's us against the system?....IS there some sort of unwritten code amongst students :s??? I choose to believe there isn't, so don't be mistaken that that is the reason I'm not exposing my fellow classmates. The way I see it, and the way I've been settling my conscience, is by believing that if I don't take any action now, the universe will handle it. It is the universe, after all, that is keeping and controlling some sort of cosmic balance sheet, not me. I mean really, who am I in comparison to the universe?

The bigger, more pertinent question is what are people like these two doing at a post-secondary institution anyways? It's a bit of a slippery slope to assume so much but are these not the kinds of people we see cheating their way through all aspects of life? Are these not the same people we see in positions of trust and power such as doctors who, in reality, have degrees made up of bull crap, bought on the black market? How is it that universities have become an institution EVERYONE is REQUIRED to go to in order to have some sort of "life"? This may be just be conjecture on my part but I do feel that many of you have had that conversation about how a Bachelors degree nowadays means close to nothing, unless followed by additional abbreviations (i.e M._, Ph.D etc.). This was way before I was born, but I am aware of a time when post-secondary education was only for people who could handle it and who wished to enrich their lives in a different way. The conception that being in a university will make you "smart" is so plainly stupid it hurts: you're suppose to BE some sort of "smart" before you get there....not anymore I guess. The fact that there are people out there who know they cannot handle the necessary responsibilities of being in such a demanding position, yet decide to carry on anyways for the sake of saving face, aggravates me all the time. Why is it that these once seemingly exclusive institutions are now open to the undeserving public, examples being those two dimwits in my class?

Societal culture has penetrated the deepest levels of our psyche, leaving behind the notion that the only kind of acceptable "smarts" is "book smarts". That's why.

It continues to awe me how much focus and importance we give to something that really, in the larger scheme of things, can mean so little to some people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to belittle post-secondary education in anyway whatsoever, it just bothers me how much we claim that one cannot have a life without it. There are so many other means of subsistence available to us without actually having a degree. One doesn't need to know that 1,2-Dichloroethene exhibits cis-trans isomerism or that diamagnetic elements contain all paired electrons, in order to achieve greatness in their lives; Bill Gates (Microsoft creator) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook creator) are both Harvard drop-outs and two of the richest men in the world....just saying. (Just to clarify, not drop outs in the sense they failed classes and therefore were required to leave, they just didn't finish their degrees.) The assumption that attending a university means your "smart" is completely ridiculous and the perception that a degree, a standard by which we judge how "smart" someone is, can make or break your life story, just seems absurd. Don't take this to mean that I'm against post-sec education (I don't plan on dropping out anytime soon:p), I just feel that society as a whole needs to take a huge step back and see the bigger picture, parents need to ease up on the whole "you won't amount to anything without a degree", and learning institutions need to do what they were there to do in the first place: keep out the fakers, while providing a sanctuary of knowledge to those who genuinely wish to learn.

Ok, I feel like I've been rambling for a while and have gone off on like 6 tangents.... I think it's time to call it a night. Cheerio. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Be forewarned that this is only part one of a potentially infinite list of things that irk me.

Where to begin...where to begin.....

1. Alright then how about drivers. Let me give you a scenario:
You're driving in the left lane of a two lane road behind car B, which is driving behind car A. With a speed limit of 80, car A is driving at 65. As you decide to switch lanes, car B gets the same idea and changes also. And then BAM!! BOTH LANES ARE BLOCKED BY DRIVERS GOING 15 KM BELOW SPEED LIMIT!!! What in heaven's name made driver B think that switching lanes was in anyone's best interest?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Pure selfishness I'd say. Now everyone is stuck zigzagging between two lanes trying to guess which one will speed up. ARGH! To those people, I say GET A BICYCLE!

2. Telemarketers...need I say more?!

3. People who are completely careless with other people's belongings!!!! When you go to claim your *item* back and they say "oh I'll look for it". How DARE you be so callous and nonchalant of the fact that YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU PUT MY *ITEM*! This is something that is MINE!..that I put MY TIME AND MONEY into and you say you'll go LOOK for it?!?!? NO! If something does not belong to you, doesn't it make more sense to take EXTRA GOOD CARE of the item in question?!?! And the best part? When they admit they don't know where it is: "Sorry I couldn't find it. Now what?" Oh I'll tell you what! You don't get to eat, sleep, shower, party, or watch Jersey Shore until you find my freakin' *item*!!! Or until you pay me back for my lost time, money and efforts, which would be somewhat difficult, so really, just find it. No excuses.

4. Keeping with number 3, people who, after losing your item in question, AVOID RESPONDING TO YOUR CONSTANT BADGERING! I'm sorry if you get annoyed with my 25 emails, 17 texts and 35 phone calls a day.... YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO CARELESS IN THE BEGINNING! ... oh and THEN go and block me on Facebook lol... NOT A SMART MOVE muahahah

...yea I have a sword!!

5. Boys that can't accept the fact that girls get their period. COME OOOOON! You have a mom, sister, wife, girlfriend or some combination of that. Face it. It happens. Instead of pissing off an already very hormonal, unstable chica, bring her chocolates, an awesome chick flick, Midol, and soup AND STAY TO WATCH THE GOD**** MOVIE! :@ Only then can you boys be called men...


7. Justin Bieber
oh GOOD GOD PEOPLE!!  A 16 year old BOY!!!! who hugs pandas and has a bird/butterfly? tattoo.. PAGING JUSTIN BIEBER: I HAVE YOUR OTHER TESTICLE!

7. Girls who use Halloween to slut-ify themselves...why?!?!? Just because it's Halloween doesn't make it any better...seriously. If you prefer that kind of dressing sense all the time, more power to you. If you're embarrassed/scared to dress like that normally, please don't do it. You're only degrading yourself and you become one of "those girls who dress like skanks on Halloween". You only prove to the world how little self-respect you have and that you actually have a stick of cooked spaghetti for a spine, giving in to the whole peer pressure aspect of it all. And really at the end of the day, the attention that you're attracting is, 95% of the time, not the kind you want. Don't say I didn't tell you so.

8. Minimum wage in BC!! It's pitiful.

9. Hypocrites (this one will get its very own post soon, so stay tuned!!) :)

10. People who watch the movie instead of reading the book! UGH! It's fine if you watch the movie BUT READ THE FREAKIN' BOOK ALSO! And on the same note, people who don't read books in general because "it's so lame and only for nerds". No you illiterate fool, it's for people who wish to enrich their lives through a medium other then TMZ. 

11. People who can't differentiate between there, their and they're and your and you're. Refer to number 10. 

12. Americans that deny that hockey is a CANADIAN GAME! Look at your roster and tell me how many of your players are from Canada? Chances are, your team mostly consists of Canadians (and Swedes). Just saying :)

What kinds of things get you all hot and bothered?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Something To Think About

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Marianne Williamson

I don't really think I have anything to comment on about this. It's pretty self-explanatory. If you didn't  understand, reread until you do.

Trust me.

Do you agree with the quote? Let me know your thoughts. Goodnight children :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Guilty Pleasure...

Of course I'm going to say Jersery Shore (here on in: JS). Isn't it everyone's by now?! Whether or not you watch it as religiously as me or millions of other viewers, you know what I'm talking about.

It's sad how trashy tv has become such a necessity for our generation...but I'm not going to lie, I love it. In an era with networks being ruled by reality television, it was only a matter of time till someone developed a Big Brother 2.0, with more sex, alcohol...oh and of course gym, tan, and laundry!

Along with the rising popularity of the cast of JS, they've brought with it an acceptance of extreme alcohol consumption, excessive one-night-stand "smooshing", and overall ridiculous partying behaviour. So what is it that makes this show SO damn appealing to people that it was signed on for more then the original one season? Who knows! But for me, I think its a combination of "do people like this actually exist??", "this is a train wreck waiting to happen" (the kind you don't want to look away from), and Pauly D's hair... and JWoww's twins ;). No but seriously, as much as people think they are or WANT TO BE the Situation or Snooki of their town, they're not and they know it, so this show becomes a type of alternate reality, allowing viewers to escape/dream for those 60 minutes....60 GLORIOUS minutes might I add.

However, there has been continuous controversy surrounding the concept of the show even before production had begun. Besides the obvious issues surrounding cancer-linked tanning and unsafe behaviour (excessive drinking and casual sex), New Jersey governor Chris Christie has been seen speaking out against MTV and the cast because of the negative stereotypes he claimed JS created about the REAL Jersey Shore. He was quoted saying: "What [MTV] does is takes a bunch of New Yorkers -- most of the people on Jersey Shore are New Yorkers ... [and] drops them at the Jersey Shore, and tries to make Americans feel like this is New Jersey. I could tell people, they want to know what New Jersey really is? I welcome them to come to New Jersey any time". Yet according to a poll of 1001 adults by the Fairleigh Dickinson University, viewers of JS have a more positive view of the Garden State (59%) versus the 44% who have not watched the show. Ironic? I think so. (Only 20% of viewers take the negative stance.) Moreover, Italian-American groups such as the National Italian American Foundation and Unico National have expressed their outrage at the depiction of "typical Italians" on JS. Unico president, Andre DiMino, after a failed attempt of having the show cease production, expressed his outrage at how Italian (youth) are portrayed as nothing more than self-absorbed, partying bimbos and how this was a direct attack on the Italian-American community by MTV. Furthermore, DiMino (and others) are completely livid at the the casual use of the term "Guido". "Guido" is, indeed, a racial slur, with the same derogatory nature as the N word. But the same way African American youth have embraced the term amongst themselves, Italian youth have done the same. However, MTV made it acceptable for EVERYONE to use, when they made it part of the promotions for the show, two of which were "eight of the hottest, tannest, craziest Guidos," and "[the show] exposes one of the tri-state area's most misunderstood species... the GUIDO. Yes, they really do exist! Our Guidos and Guidettes will move into the ultimate beach house rental and indulge in everything the Seaside Heights, New Jersey scene has to offer." Cast members have been questioned about their thoughts on the use of this term and all come to the same consensus: it may have once been a derogatory word but not any more.*SPOILER ALERT* It'll be interesting, to say the least, to see how these roommates fit in with the OLD Italian culture as season four kicks off in the motherland, ITALIA!

Along with the terms Guido/Guidette, made-up words and phrases of JS have found their way into our language. Terms coined by the cast, such a "grenade", "GTL", "DTF", "smooshing" and "T-shirt time" have become REAL words/phrases used in serious conversations. I know I catch myself using JS terms all the time, and not just when I'm making fun of how crazy these people are. Its completely absurd to think about how "grenade" (referring to an "ugly" girl/woman who no one wants to "get with") has become a word of substance. This alone should vanquish any doubt in a questioning mind of the magnitude that this show has influenced our generation. I'm not 100% sure but I'd be willing to bet that sales of Ed Hardy are slowly starting to rise up again....
          Any takers?

Lo and behold, JS has become a launch point for several other ethnically-based reality tv shows following 8 young, extremely extroverted cast members (saw that coming a mile away). Some of these include:
          - The Persian Version *a tentative name* (follows 8 Persian-Americans)
          - Wicked Summer (follows 8 Irish-Americans)
          - Brighton Beach (follows 8 Russian-Americans)
          - K-Town (follows 8 Korean-Americans)
          - Lake Shore (follows 8 Torontonian youth)           >>YAY CANADA!!!
          - Geordie Shore (follows 8 British youth)

I doubt I'll be able to get into any off these spin-offs as I did with the original (its the Joey-Friends fiasco all over again), but good luck to these aspiring roomies! God knows they have big shoes to fill.... except Snooki's, shes probably a size three W.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello World

So I've done it. I've taken the plunge. I've popped my blogging cherry (sorry for the vulgarity!) Not many people in my life know that I've been considering starting a blog, but here I am with my own domain name and everything! GOD this is exciting. I've considered keeping journals and diaries, but to be completely, blatantly honest, I'm too lazy to physically write. And besides, I think the world is ready to take a peak inside the vast abyss also know as Rachna's Head:). It's currently 6:39 in the morning and I should really be sleeping seeing as how I haven't slept yet :| ugh. So on that note, the boys of Oasis and I bid you adieu. Goodnight!

"...dont look back in anger I heard you say...." LOVE IT! ok NOW goodnight!! :)