Where to begin...where to begin.....
1. Alright then how about drivers. Let me give you a scenario:
You're driving in the left lane of a two lane road behind car B, which is driving behind car A. With a speed limit of 80, car A is driving at 65. As you decide to switch lanes, car B gets the same idea and changes also. And then BAM!! BOTH LANES ARE BLOCKED BY DRIVERS GOING 15 KM BELOW SPEED LIMIT!!! What in heaven's name made driver B think that switching lanes was in anyone's best interest?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Pure selfishness I'd say. Now everyone is stuck zigzagging between two lanes trying to guess which one will speed up. ARGH! To those people, I say GET A BICYCLE!
2. Telemarketers...need I say more?!
3. People who are completely careless with other people's belongings!!!! When you go to claim your *item* back and they say "oh I'll look for it". How DARE you be so callous and nonchalant of the fact that YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU PUT MY *ITEM*! This is something that is MINE!..that I put MY TIME AND MONEY into and you say you'll go LOOK for it?!?!? NO! If something does not belong to you, doesn't it make more sense to take EXTRA GOOD CARE of the item in question?!?! And the best part? When they admit they don't know where it is: "Sorry I couldn't find it. Now what?" Oh I'll tell you what! You don't get to eat, sleep, shower, party, or watch Jersey Shore until you find my freakin' *item*!!! Or until you pay me back for my lost time, money and efforts, which would be somewhat difficult, so really, just find it. No excuses.
4. Keeping with number 3, people who, after losing your item in question, AVOID RESPONDING TO YOUR CONSTANT BADGERING! I'm sorry if you get annoyed with my 25 emails, 17 texts and 35 phone calls a day.... YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SO CARELESS IN THE BEGINNING! ... oh and THEN go and block me on Facebook lol... NOT A SMART MOVE muahahah
5. Boys that can't accept the fact that girls get their period. COME OOOOON! You have a mom, sister, wife, girlfriend or some combination of that. Face it. It happens. Instead of pissing off an already very hormonal, unstable chica, bring her chocolates, an awesome chick flick, Midol, and soup AND STAY TO WATCH THE GOD**** MOVIE! :@ Only then can you boys be called men...
7. Justin Bieber
oh GOOD GOD PEOPLE!! A 16 year old BOY!!!! who hugs pandas and has a bird/butterfly? tattoo.. PAGING JUSTIN BIEBER: I HAVE YOUR OTHER TESTICLE!
7. Girls who use Halloween to slut-ify themselves...why?!?!? Just because it's Halloween doesn't make it any better...seriously. If you prefer that kind of dressing sense all the time, more power to you. If you're embarrassed/scared to dress like that normally, please don't do it. You're only degrading yourself and you become one of "those girls who dress like skanks on Halloween". You only prove to the world how little self-respect you have and that you actually have a stick of cooked spaghetti for a spine, giving in to the whole peer pressure aspect of it all. And really at the end of the day, the attention that you're attracting is, 95% of the time, not the kind you want. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
8. Minimum wage in BC!! It's pitiful.
9. Hypocrites (this one will get its very own post soon, so stay tuned!!) :)
10. People who watch the movie instead of reading the book! UGH! It's fine if you watch the movie BUT READ THE FREAKIN' BOOK ALSO! And on the same note, people who don't read books in general because "it's so lame and only for nerds". No you illiterate fool, it's for people who wish to enrich their lives through a medium other then TMZ.
11. People who can't differentiate between there, their and they're and your and you're. Refer to number 10.
12. Americans that deny that hockey is a CANADIAN GAME! Look at your roster and tell me how many of your players are from Canada? Chances are, your team mostly consists of Canadians (and Swedes). Just saying :)
What kinds of things get you all hot and bothered?
what i'm bothered by is when people talk about a party that only certain people get invited and then talk about the party and how their going to have a blast and everything. when the people around them have to suffer by listening to them talk about it and then feel like crap cause they have to work for them that friday or saturday night, when they could have been doing something much better
ReplyDeleteOmfg rachna. U awesome. I've made an app of this website so I could put it on my itouch cus truthfully this blog is alot more entertaining then some of the movies I've watched. Except despicable me. That movies is gods way of saying he loves you. Yes that good. Not the point, you now have one more follower:)
ReplyDeleteps. If the website doesn't actually say who this is, n I'm pretty sure prob guessed already, it's Kavi.
lol awwwwww thank u kavi pach!!! and thank u for following!!! :D:D:D