
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rant: Deuce

Part two of my infinite list:

1) TD Canada Trust. Holy Mother of Jesus, could this bank be anymore unorganized and unaccountable to their clients?! For being one of the biggest banks in Canada, you sure are prettttttty lousy. And thats why I'm at Coast. :)

2) The fact that I went and bought all these Groupons/Dealfinds/GoLows etc. and now have 8 days i.e. no time, to use them all. ARRGH:@

3) People that add randoms on Facebook. Like seriously, if I have never met you, if I didn't know you existed before you sent a request, I'M NOT GOING TO ADD YOU!!! So don't message or poke me... it's not going to change my mind. There's a reason its called a FRIEND request, not random-creeper request.

4) On that note, people who accept these random friend requests. You don't care what others think about your five-people-a-day habit since you activated your account? Fine, don't, more power to you. But just so you are aware, it's called being an attention whore :s. It's also probably not the safest thing to be doing either BTW! And you're filling up my stop.

5) Terrorism. As juvenile and cliche as this may sound, why can't we all just get along?

6) The fact there will never be a new Harry Potter instalment (book or movie). Ever. Sigh

7) Coloured contacts. Lol I'm sorry but they bother me. I mean we all know what your eye colour is so the fact you wear them everyday doesn't make them real believe it or not :p. And even if you don't, they're not a decoration piece or an accessory. Its not a piece of jewelry you throw on to spice up an outfit. It would be like dying your hair a different colour single day; you're completely changing something about yourself. Meh.

8) Matters of the heart. They all suck. No matter what.

9) People that can't mind their own damn business. If I needed your two cents I probably would have asked. Maybe.

10) People that wait till they get to the front of the line before deciding what they want. :@

11) Birthdays. I think I've reached that age we're always talking about when we say "when I grow up". This is where the rest of my life starts and that's a scary thought.

12) People that don't want their "ugly" pictures posted online/Facebook. We all know you don't wake up perfectly put together everyday. So why lie to the world. 

I'm equally proud of these two pictures..... I am of these two pictures 

Lol but that's just me :)

13) The fact that I am the worlds biggest procrastinator. :(

14) Ignorant fools. Need I say more. 

Ok.. I'm tired now lol. Toodles.