
Saturday, April 23, 2011


Lol so I don't know if people out there actually care to know why I've been on some kind of hiatus, but just in case, this is a mini post to update you all on my life the past month. Whoot.

OOKKKKKkkkkkkkkk so my last post was around mid march-ish and at that time it was really just a lot of dancing, dancing and more dancing. I had a competition on the 20th or somewhere there so really it was school dance sleep. Next, I got a rather nasty throat infection and two days later was hit with an even nastier eye infection. So that put me out of commission for a good week at least. THENNNNnnn it was final exams and papers to be worrying about, so once again my little blog drew the short stick. And then I got my wisdom teeth taken out...all four... all requiring more cutting and digging and breaking than the average surgery and the DAY AFTER?? my famjam decided to road trip to Vegas. Yes, I was on the road while the effects of the anesthetic were wearing off lol. I was there for a week and came back today. Now I have allllllllllllllll the time in the world yay. Alrighty then, now that you have all been informed, I promise there will be a real post soon. Bon soir ma amies.